How to join the VFT

Thank you for your interest in Joining the Victorian Flagmarshalling Team. There a few steps that you will need complete before you can go trackside, below is the process that contains a series of links to assist you in getting trackside as soon as possible.

  1. Complete the online application form - this means we know who you are and we can let you know about upcoming events.
  2. Visit the Motorsport Australia website to complete the Online Introductory Officials Course to obtain your Officials Licence.
  3. If you are over 18, you must apply for your mandatory Working with Children Accreditation.  There is no charge for Volunteers accreditation.
  4. If you are under 18, complete the under 18 Motorsport Australia Disclaimer Form and download and read the Motorsport Australia Junior Officials Pre-Event Briefing Notes.
  5. Visit the Motorsport Australia Resources page for more information and links once you have received your Working With Childrens Check number.
  6. Once you have your Motorsport Australia Licence Number and WWCC Accreditation you are all set to go. Let us know by updating your details in your membership portal
  7. You are ready to start attending events. You will be paired with an experienced official who will guide you through what you need to do to be a competent trackside marshal.
Click here to view the Safety Briefing and Site Induction notes for Officials.

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